Sex is an integral part of many adults’ daily lives. Keeping healthy while sexually active is crucial in protecting from sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, and even injuries during sex. Ensuring both consenting partners are on the same page regarding sexual limitations is crucial in maintaining sexual health.
Practicing safe sex and consent allows for more meaningful and satisfying sex.
How to Stay Safe from STDs
It’s essential to know how to keep safe from STDs, and one of the easiest ways is to use a condom. Condoms are available for male and female use, and this allows the ability of safe sex regardless of gender.
If engaging with multiple partners or starting a new sexual relationship, it’s important to continue testing regularly. An HPV (human papillomavirus vaccination) is also available as a preventative service. Identify ways to practice safe sex and use them in sexual encounters.
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are either in the bladder or urethra, and they happen when vaginal, genital, or anal bacteria enter the bladder or urethra. Safe sex is one way of keeping UTIs away. If switching between vaginal sex to anal sex, or any combination, it’s essential to keep clean and change condoms or wash off.
Injuries During Sex
Most people in or who have been in a sexual relationship have an embarrassing story or two regarding injuries during sex. However, falling off the bed isn’t an injury that needs sexual aftercare.
If taking part in anal sex, aftercare is crucial. Using a condom is vital in preventing unwanted bacteria from entering where they shouldn’t. Taking time beforehand to loosen up with an appropriate lubricant is a good way of avoiding tearing or injury for both vaginal and anal sex.
Taking warm baths with Epson salts, using a bidet or gentle wipes, and lubricants (designed for this type of intercourse) are safe ways to keep away from injuries and to stay clean.
Sexual health consists of practicing safe sex, cleanliness, and aftercare. Both partners should be on the same page regarding limitations and desires. Sexual safety should be communicated so that condoms or other preventive measures are used appropriately. Cleanliness keeps both partners clean and safe and prevents unwanted bacteria from entering sensitive areas. Aftercare should be practiced continuously to allow an enjoyable and safe experience.
Every consenting adult should be allowed to enjoy sex safely, and practicing these methods can assist in accomplishing just that. To learn more about sex and other topics like this, please visit FBNobleCourt